Our Classes...

Our basic class begins with a comprehensive primer on firearm safety and handling in the controlled environment of a classroom.  This is not a "back to school" note-taking snooze.  You will receive extensive hands-on instruction with a variety of firearms which may include handguns, rifles & shotguns, depending your individual interests and needs.

The second phase, which usually falls into the afternoon, involves a trip to the firing range.  Many schools will take you to an indoor range where it is loud, dark, smokey, and intimidating.  Rather than taking you to one of these dungeons, we take you to a beautiful private 24 acre outdoor facility where you will receive extensive "trigger time" on a variety of firearms, carefully supervised by NRA-certified instructors and range safety officers.

Cost is $275, and is all inclusive.  You do not need to bring any firearms or ammunition.  We supply the firearms, the ammunition, and the hearing and eye protection.  As a gift to our new students, you get to keep the hearing and eye protection we provide (brand new hearing muffs and safety glasses).  We do ask that you bring a lunch for yourself and sun screen if appropriate.

Our more advanced classes are individually tailored to meet your individual needs and may be discussed with us at any time.

Your Certification...

After successfully completing one of our basic classes, you will receive a certificate.  Certifications Include:
